Plenary Speakers
Name | Tentative Title |
Arnaud Devred | “ITER: The Way to Fusion Energy” |
Albert Fert | “Magnetic Skyrmions and Spin-orbitronics” |
Bartlomiej Andrzej Glowacki | “Hydrogen Cryomagnetics” |
Bernhard Holzapfel | “Recent Advances in Thin Films of Iron-Based Superconductors in View of Potential Applications” |
Börje Johansson | “Magnetic and Non-Magnetic Phases in Cerium Metal” |
William Little | “A look back at the consequences of an innocent question on the possibility of synthesizing an organic superconductor” |
M. Brian Maple | “Materials Trends in Different Classes of Superconductors From Heavy Fermions to Iron-Pnictides” |
Karl Alex Müller | “Over half a century of research in Oxides” |
Yuh Shiohara | “Basic Materials Research Challenges for Medical Applications of HTS and R&D of 3 G Coated Conductors” |
Wolfgang Wernsdorfer | “Reading Quantum States of Single Spins” |
Half-Plenary Speakers
Name | Tentative Title |
Ivan Bozovic | “Atomic-Layer Engineering and Physics of Cuprate Superconductors” |
Paul C. Canfield | “Fe-based Superconductors: What we hope we’ve learned and where we hope we are going” |
Wai-Kwong Kwok | “Vortices in High Performance High Tc Superconductors” |
Antonio H. Castro Neto | “Worldwide Graphene Research for Superconductivity, Magnetism and Applications” |
Tae Won Noh | “Optical investigations on novel spin phenomena in transition metal oxides” |
Bilal Tanatar | “Interplay of Disorder and Binding Energy for Two-Dimensional Unitary Fermi Gas” |
María Vallet | “Biomaterials Design: from Macro to Nano” |
*List is ordered alphabetically by surname.