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10th ICSM2025 & 3rd ICQMT2025

The 9th Spring School and Educational Courses, SSEC:
The 9th Spring School and Educational Courses will be be held in the same venue (Liberty Lykia Hotel Fethiye-Oludeniz) between 25 April 2024 (morning) – 27 April 2024.

Scope and purpose of the school:

Superconductivity and magnetism in quantum materials are fields of high interest and importance for quantum devices in various areas, such as quantum computation and various emerging application of quantum technology. The 9th Spring School on Educational courses on Superconductivity and Magnetism in Quantum Materials offers a thorough introduction to the basic concepts and the recent developments in these fields, as well as the possible applications of integrating both effects in new structures and devices.

The intended audience of this program are young scientists, mainly PhD students and post-docs, from both experimental and theoretical backgrounds. Additionally, the school welcomes all ICSM-ICQMT-2024 participants who are interested in the short courses provided. This three-day event comprises lectures and hands-on sessions conducted by distinguished experts in these fields and enables the communication and learning among young researchers and trainers. The meeting will take place in person, in a private and cordial environment, that encourages discussions and networking among all attendees. Furthermore, this meeting seeks to promote and share the emerging targets of the joint conference of ICSM-ICQMT-2024.

>>For registration please visit this link<<<

The topics included in this program are (but not limited to):

Fundamental aspects of superconductivity and magnetism.
Advanced techniques in materials preparation and characterization.
Spintronics and magnonics.
Emergent phenomena in superconductors.
Unconventional and topological superconductivity.
Experimental techniques in Scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM).
Interplay between magnetism and superconductivity in quantum materials.
Large Scale Applications of Superconductors.
Quantum Device Applications of Superconductors.

Confirmed Lecturers/Trainers with course tittles:

Prof. Wolfgang Belzig (Universität Konstanz, Germany):

1 – Mesoscopic Superconductivity: Andreev reflection, Andreev bound states and the Josephson effect
2 – Superconductor-Ferromagnet-Heterostructures
3 – Quantum Field Theoretical methods in Superconductivity

Prof. Adrian Crisan (National Institute for Materials Physics, Romania):

1 – Type 2 superconductors; vortex matter, dynamics and pinning.
2 – Transport and DC magnetic properties of superconductors.
3 – Superconducting properties from AC multiharmonic susceptibility

Prof. Valentin Taufour (UC Davis Department of Physics and Astronomy, USA):

1 – Basics on how to read compositional phase diagrams
2 – Basics of common single crystal growth techniques: solution growth, Czochraski, Bridgman, chemical vapor transport, etc.
3 – Basics of material exploration and discovery: how to choose/select a material, a chemical composition, a structural family, etc. (theoretical input, material informatics)

Prof. Vitaly Vysotsky (Russian Scientific R&D Cable Institute, Russia):

1 – Hybrid energy transfer with superconducting cables.
2 – HTS power cables for electro-energetics.
3 – Stability and quench problems in HTS magnets at temperatures below 20 K

Prof. Sastry V Pamidi (FAMU-FSU and the Center for Advanced Power Systems, USA):

1 – Introduction to thermodynamics and cryogenic engineering materials
2 – Advanced cooling techniques for superconducting devices
3 – Advanced AC loss measurements

Prof. Ziad Melhem (Oxford Quantum Solutions Ltd., UK):

1- Introduction to Quantum Materials and Applications
2- Superconducting Quantum Computing
3- Cryogenics and Instrumentation for Quantum Technologies

Assistant Prof. Tayebeh Mousavi (King’s College, London, UK) :

1- General properties of superconducting materials
2- Manufacturing processes of superconducting materials
3- New advances in superconducting materials

Prof. Javier Campo (University of Zaragoza, Spain) :

Neutron scattering in magnetism: fundamentals and examples.
1- Neutron scattering
2- chiral magnets
3- molecular magnets

Prof. Pascal Febvre (Université Savoie Mont Blanc, France) :

1- Josephson junctions used in digital mode
2- Josephson junctions from macroscopic to quantum behaviour: application to artificial atoms

Prof. Pedro Gorria (Universidad de Oviedo, Spain) :

1- Introduction to symmetry and crystalline structure
2- Tensorial character of the physical properties
3- The effect of symmetry on the magnetic properties of crystals

Prof. Thomas Schrefl (Donau Universitat Krems, Austria) :

1- The basics of micromagnetic simulations
2- Applications of micromagnetism: From data storage to green technologies
3- Machine learning in computational magnetic materials design

Prof. Hans Josef Hug (University of Basel, Switzerland) :

1- Scanning Force Microscopy for Materials Science: Probing more than topography.
2- High-resolution and sensitivity Magnetic Force Microscopy: a versatile laboratory-based
tool to study magnetism down to the nanoscale.
3- Magnetic Thin Film Particles for Biomedical Applications.

Prof. Mehmet Cengiz Onbaşlı (Koç University, Türkiye) :

1- Epitaxial growth of 2D materials using molecular beam epitaxy.
2- Theory and practical aspects of micromagnetic modelling.
3- Spintronic materials and devices.

Prof. Davor Pavuna (EPFL, Switzerland) :

1- The Birth of Quantum Physics – Boltzmann, Planck, Einstein, Nernst, and others.
2- Quantum Materials Development and Physical Properties.
3- From Free Electrons to Quantum Fluids and Emerging Technologies.

Prof. Alexey Mironov (TerraQuantum, Switzerland) :

1- Introduction to Topological Superconductivity and Tunable Quantum States.
2- Superconductor and superinsulator as result of topological phase transitions.
3- Techniques of low temperature electron transport measurements.

Registration fee: 300 Euro (will be waived for PhD/MSc Students on the condition that student will make a presentation at ICSM-ICQMT-2024)
Accommodation cost will be covered by trainees.


School Program Committee:

Canan Aksoy (Coordinator) (e-mail:
Mustafa Akdoğan (e-mail:
İbrahim Belenli
Javier Campo
Alexei Koshelev
Ali Gençer
Haluk Koralay
Şükrü Çelik

This event was supported within the scope of “TUBITAK-BİDEB 2237-A Scientific Training Activities Support”

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