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10th ICSM2025 & 3rd ICQMT2025
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World Renowned Speakers

Adrian Crisan

National Institute of Materials Physics, Romania

Multi-harmonic Susceptibility Response and Steep Vortex Melting Line in Iron-based Superconducting Single Crystal CaKFe4As4

Adrian Gozar

Yale University, USA

Infrared and THz optical nanoscopy of high-Tc cuprate superconductors

Ahmad Awad

University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Stimulated selective magnon excitation in NiFe films using femtosecond-laser pulse trains

Akiyasu Yamamoto

Tokyo University, Japan

Recent progress in the development of polycrystalline superconducting bulk magnets

Akio Kimura

Hiroshima University, Japan

Spectroscopic view of martensitic phase transition in Co and Mn based Heusler alloys

Alain Sacuto

Université Paris Diderot, France

First observation of a precursor gap in the charge channel (Raman spectroscopy)

Alexander Bobkov

MISIS, Russia

Thermally induced torques and domain wall motion in superconducting hybrids with ferromagnets and antiferromagnets

Alexander Zaitsev

(KIT, Germany)

FeSe grain boudary enhancement of Jc

Alexandre Golubov

University of Twente, Netherlands

Superconducting Spintronics

Alexei Koshelev

Argonne National Laboratory, USA

Mechanism of interlayer helical magnetic structure in RbEuFe4As4

Alexy Karenowska

University of Oxford, UK

Quantum magnonics

Alexey Mironov

State Novosibirsk University, Russia

The effect of dimensionality on a superinsulating state

Alexey Tsvelik

Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA

HTS Cuprates

Ali Güngör

Bahcesehir University, Turkey

Structural, optical and magnetic properties of Cu/Ni co-doped ZnO Films

Ali Zaoui

Université de Lille, France

Theoretical studies on various compounds and ternary systems under peculiar environment effect

Andreas Ney

Kepler University, Linz, Austria

Dynamic magnetic properties of micro-magnets studied by spatially and time-resolved x-ray detected ferromagnetic resonance microscopy

Andrés Sotelo

University of Zaragoza, Spain

Bulk Superconductors

Andrii Chumak

TU Kaiserslautern, Germany

Quantum magnonics

Andrew G. Samenov

HSE University, Russia

Full counting statistics of Quantum Phase slips in superconducting nanostructures

Andrzej Stupakiewicz

University of Bialystok, Poland

Towards all-optical magnetic recording

Angelo Di Bernardo

University of Cambridge, UK

Coupling ferromagnets through a nodal d-wave superconductor

Anika Schlenhoff

University of Hamburg, Germany

Magnetic Skyrmions and Chiral Magnetism

Anna Boehmer

KIT, Germany

Iron-Based Superconductors - Experimental research

Ayyar Manikandan

Bharath University, India

Magnetism of Nanoparticles, Nanowires and Nanostructures

Arcady Zhukov

UPV/EHU, Spain

Magnetic Shape Memory, Other Ferroic Materials for Actuation and Solid-State Cooling

Bartek Glowacki

University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

Hydrogen Cryomagnetics

Carmine Senatore

University of Geneva, Switzerland

High field superconductivity in C-doped MgB2 prepared by inductive heating

Caroline Gorham

Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Topological-Ordering in Quaternion Condensed Matter: A Novel Perspective on the Kauzmann Entropy Paradox as a Quantum Critical Point

Catherine Pepin

CNRS, France

Fractionalized Pair Density Wave

Costel R. Rotundu


High pressure study of the quantum spin chain material TiOCl

Chiheng Dong

(CAS, China)

FBS wire processing

Cyril Proust

Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses - Toulouse (France)

HTS Cuprates I- Preformed pairs and Intertwined orders

Daniel Braithwaite

Univ. Grenoble Alpes and CEA, France

Heavy Fermion Superconductivity

Daniele di Castro

Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy

HTS Superconducting Thin Films and Interface Superconductivity

Dario Daghero

Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Tuning the critical temperature and the gap amplitudes in Fe-based superconducting thin films: the effects of substitutions, strain, disorder, charge doping.

Dariusz Kaczorowski

Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Magnetic field induced classical and quantum phase transitions in strongly correlated electron systems

Daoyong Cong

University of Science and Technology Beijing, China

Exploration of magnetic shape memory alloys for multicaloric cooling

David Muñoz-Rojas

Grenoble INP, France


Davor Pavuna

EPFL, Switzerland

HTS Superconducting Thin Films and Interface Superconductivity

Denis Sunko

University of Zagreb, Croatia

Superconductivity in Ionic Metals

Doğan Abukay

Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey

Advances In Thin Films, Multi-Layers and Patterned Nanostructures

Dongliang Wang

CAS, China

Development of IMD-processed 100 m-class 6-filament MgB2 wire and solenoid coil

Dorothée Colson

Université Paris-Saclay, France

Elaboration of Mercury Cuprates Single Crystals for Investigating High Tc Superconductors

Ece Uykur

Universität Stuttgart, Germany

Optical investigations of Eu-based iron pnictide superconductors

Edward Colling


MgB2: Advances in Materials and Applications

Emre Erdem

Sabanci University, Turkey

MgB2 Advanced Characterization Techniques

Eugenio Coronado

University of Valencia, Spain

Molecular Magnetism in Spintronics

Farkhad Aliev

Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain

Magnetization Dynamics and Magnonics

Flavio Nogueira

Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, Germany

Field theory of vortices and Josephson junctions in topological matter

Genda Gu

Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA

Single crystal growth and superconductivity of Fe-Te-Se system materials

Ginyat Khaliullin

Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Germany

Towards Kitaev spin liquid in cobalt oxides

Guillem Aromi

University of Barcelona, Spain

Heterometallic Lanthanide Coordination Complexes for Quantum Technologies

Hai-Hu Wen

Nanjing University, China

Advances in Iron-Based Superconductors-Fundamentals, Theory, and Mechanisms

Hanuš Seiner

The Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

Highly non-linear dynamics of Ni-Mn-Ga single crystals

Herre van der Zant

Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

Spin dependent features in three-terminal single-molecule transport

Hidenori Hiramatsu

Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Iron-Based Superconductors: Advances in Thin Films&Single Crystals

Hiroyuki Fujishiro

Iwate University, Japan

MgB2: Advances in Materials and Applications

Huiqui Yuan

Center for Correlated Matter, Zhejiang University, China

Iron based Superconductors- Experimental Properties of Materials

Hong Ding

Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

Continuous doping of cuprate surface: new insights from in-situ ARPES

Igor Lukyanchuk

University of Picardie, France

Topological hydrodynamic approach to ferroelectrics

Igor Soloviev

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia

Сompact design of superconducting digital circuits based on magnetic Josephson junctions

Igor Solovyev

National Institute for Material Science, Japan

Orbital degrees of freedom and magnetoelectric effect

Ilya Sochnikov

University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA

HTS Cuprates

Iman Askerbeyli

Ankara University, Turkey

Theory of Superconductivity

Irina Bobkova

MISIS, Russia

Magnetoelectric effects in superconductor/ferromagnet hybrids on topological insulators: control and detection of magnetization dynamics

Ivan Bozovic

Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA

A New Picture of Physics of Cuprates, Potential Impacts on Room Temperature Superconductivity-RTS

James Storey

Robinson Research Institute, New Zealand

Towards a single model description of cuprates in the pseudogap state

Jan Aarts

Leiden Institute of Physics, Holland

Superconducting Spintronics

Jan Zaanen

Leiden University, Netherlands

HTS Cuprates

Javier Campo

Spanish National Research Council, Spain

The role of the thermal fluctuations in cubic helimagnets: stabilization of new phases at low temperature

Jaume Veciana


Charge transport through redox and magnetically active molecules

Jean Marc Greneche

University Le Mans - CNRS, France

Structural and magnetic properties of nanoparticles

Je-Geun Park

Seoul National University, Korea

Magnetoelectric effect in magnetic van der Waals materials

Jens Hänisch

KIT, Germany

Jc anisotropy in (Li,Fe)OHFeSe films

Jie Wu

Westlake University, Hanzou, China

Interplay between electronic nematicity and unconventional superconductivity

J. Iñaki Pérez Landazábal

Departamento de Ciencias Public University of Navarra (UPNa), Spain

Defects, Entropy Contributions and Magnetocaloric Properties in Metamagnetic Shape Memory Alloys

Jinxing Zheng

Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Study on stability analysis of 14.5T high- field superconducting magnet of CFETR project

Joe D. Thompson

Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA

‘Opportunities in Heavy-Fermion Superconductivity

Jun Kishine

The Open University of Japan, Japan

Chiral Magnets

Jun Ma

University of Cambridge, UK

A temperature-dependent model for calculating DC carrying HTS under perpendicular AC fields

Jun-ichi Shimoyama

The University of Tokyo, Japan

Joint of Bi-based Wires

Kametani Fumitake

NHMFL - Florida State University, USA

Iron Based Superconductors-Properties Important for Applications

Kanta Ono

High energy Accelerator Research Organization, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan

Permanent Magnet Session

Kazuhiro Kajikawa

Kyushu University, Japan

Cryogenics Materials, Engineering and Applications

Kaveh Lahabi

Leiden Institute of Physics, Holland

Generating Spin-Triplet Supercurrents with a Single Ferromagnet

Kazumasa Iida

Nagoya University, Japan

Iron Based Superconductors-Properties Important for Applications

Kazuo Kadowaki

University of Tsukuba, Japan


Kevin Berger

GREEN-Université de Lorraine, France

Numerical modelling and analysis of flux jumps in MgB2 bulks: how to improve the performance of MgB2 bulk magnets

Kwon Park

Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Korea

Topological Quantum Matter

Larissa Panina


Ferromagnetic Microwires as Sensing and Guiding Systems for Applications in Bio-Medicine

Liu Hao Tjeng

Max Plank Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Germany

Direct Imaging of Orbitals using Inelastic X-Ray Scattering

Lluis Mañosa

University of Barcelona, Spain

Mechanocaloric effects in all 3d magnetic shape memory alloys

Luca Salasnich

University of Padova, Italy

Screening of pair fuctuations in two-band superconductors

Lucica Miu

National Institute of Materials Physics, Romania

AC Magnetic Response of Superconducting Films and Superlattices

Luis A. Angurel

University of Zaragoza, Spain


Masahiro Yamashita

Tohoku University, Japan

Quantum Molecular Spintronics: Quantum Computer and Highly Density Memory Device

Maciej Sawicki

Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Spintronics-Semiconductors, Oxide Interfaces, Graphene and Topological Insulators

Mari Einaga

Osaka University, Japan

Recent progress in the synthesis of superhydrides

Mario Ruben

KIT, Germany

Quantum Computing with Molecules

Masatoshi Imada

University of Tokyo, Japan

Ab initio and machine learning studies on cuprates revealing hidden properties and mechanism

Matej Pregelj

Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia

Anisotropy in frustrated ferromagnetic spin-1/2 chain beta-TeVO4 – from spin stripes to spin nematicity

Matjaž Gomilšek

Durham University, UK

Kondo Effect in a Quantum Spin Liquid

Matthieu Le Tacon

KIT, Germany

Charge order and phonon softening at Tc in cuprate super conductors

Mehmet Acet

University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Shell ferromagnetism in functional Heuslers

Mehmet Ertugrul

Ataturk University, Turkey

Energy Efficient Ultraconductive Wires

Mehmet Somer

Sabanci University, Turkey

High Quality Boron Production for MgB2 Industrial Applications

Michael Nicklas

Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Germany

Heat capacity of Sr2RuO4 under uniaxial pressure

Michail V. Sadovskii

Institute of Electrophysics, Ekaterinburg, Russia

Shallow bands, antiadiabatic phonons and the puzzles of enhanced superconductivity in FeSe/STO

Ming-Wei Wu

University of Science and Technology of China, China

Gauge-invariant kinetic theory of superconductivity in response to electromagnetic fields

Min Zhang

University of Strathclyde, UK

Fully HTS machines to enable next generation electric aircraft propulsion

Mitsuru Izumi

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Japan

HTS bulk superconductors and applications in rotating machines

Motoyuki Ishikado

CROSS, Japan

Coexisting spin resonance and long-range magnetic order of Eu in EuRbFe4As4

Montserrat Rivas

University of Oviedo, Spain

From pregnancy testing to wine testing with magnetic nanoparticles

Muhammad Anis-ur-Rehman

COMSATS , Pakistan

Ferrites and Rare Earth Magnetic Materials

Nadendla Hari Babu

Brunel University London, UK

Infiltration and Growth process for bulk MgB2 superconductor

Nakamura Taketsune

Kyoto University, Japan

Challenge to several hundred kW class high-temperature superconducting induction/synchronous motor system for transportation equipment

Naoyuki Amemiya

Kyoto University, Japan

Large Scale Applications of Superconductors and their fundamental technologies

Nejat Bulut

Izmir University, Turkey

Magnetism of Hemoglobin (Theory)

Neven Barisic

University of Vienna, Austria

HTS Cuprates

Nikolay Plakida

JINR, Russia

Theory, Mechanisms and Fundamentals

Nilay Gunduz Akdogan

Piri Reis University, Turkey

Additive Manufacturing of NdFeB Permanent Magnets

Numan Akdogan

Gebze Technical University, Turkey

Advances In Thin Films, Multi-Layers and Patterned Nanostructures

Oguz Gulseren

Bilkent University, Turkey

Exploring MXenes/graphene heterostructures for ion battery applications

Oleg Snigirev

M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia


Qiang Li

Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA

Effect of Irradiation on iron based superconductors

Pascal Febvre

University Savoie Mont Blanc, France

Recent advances in the design of digital and mixed-signal superconducting circuits and sensors

Richard Hlubina

Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia

Phenomenology of overdoped cuprates

Richard Layfield

University of Sussex, UK

Dynamic Magnetic Properties of f-Element Sandwich Compounds

Rie Umetsu

Tohoku University, Japan

Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys and Magnetocalorics

Rosa Cordoba

University of Zaragoza, Spain

Vortices and Nanostructured Superconductors

Sabine Wurmehl

IFW Dresden, Germany

Solid state single crystal growth of three-dimensional faceted LaOFeAs crystals

Sadamichi Maekawa

RIKEN, Japan

Spintronics from Fundamentals to Applications

Saicharan Aswartham

IFW, Germany

Iron-Based Superconductors: Advances in Thin Films&Single Crystals

Sastry Pamidi


Cryogenics Materials, Engineering and Applications

Satoshi Hata

Kyushu University, Japan

Microstructural imperfections in MgB2 and other superconducting materials

Sebastian Wintz

Paul Scherrer institut, Switserland, Switzerland

Magnetization Dynamics and Magnonics

Sergey Bakurskiy

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia

Superconducting phase control in magnetic Josephson devices

Sergey Kaloshkin

National University of Science and Technology, Russia

Novel Functional Magnetic Materials - Basic Approach and Applications

Sergey Streltsov

Institute of Metal Physics, Russia

Spin-orbit coupling and Jahn-Teller distortions: friends or foes?

Sergey Taskaev

Chelyabinsk State University, Russia

Novel Functional Magnetic Materials - Basic Approach and Applications

S. Sefat Athena

Oak Ridge National Lab, USA

Iron-Based Superconductors: Advances in Thin Films&Single Crystals

Setsuko Tajima

Osaka University, Japan

HTS Cuprates

Siddharth S. Saxena

University of Cambridge, UK

Quantum Criticality and Related Phonemena

Sheng Ran

NIST, Center for Neutron Research, USA

Spin-triplet superconducting state in the nearly ferromagnetic compound UTe2

Shinsaku Kambe

Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japon

Superconductivity in U compounds (Experiment).

Susannah Speller

Oxford University, UK

Microstructural engineering of MgB2 bulks to optimise trapped field performance

Talal Mallah

ICMMO, Université Paris-Sud, France

Tuning the magnetic anisotropy in mono and binuclear Ni(II) complexes as qubit candidates

Thomas Fischer

University of Bayreuth, Germany

Topological steps toward walking colloidal bipeds

Tian Shang

Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland

Time-reversal symmetry breaking and unconventional SC in Re-based materials

Tomasz Dietl

International Research Centre MagTop, Poland

Spintronics-Semiconductors, Oxide Interfaces, Graphene and Topological Insulators

Toni Shiroka

Laboratorium fur Festkorperphysik ETH, Switzerland

Iron based Superconductors- Experimental Properties of Materials

Toshiya Ideue

University of Tokyo, Japan

Vortices and Nano-structured Superconductors

Toshiyuki Mito

National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS), Japan

Cryogenics Materials, Engineering and Applications

Tsuyoshi Tamegai

The University of Tokyo, Japan

Iron Based Superconductors-Properties Important for Applications

Tuson Park

Sungkyunkwna University, South Korea

Quantum criticality and superconductivity in strongly correlated systems

Ugur Topal

Tubitak MAM, Turkey

Magnetic Recording, Sensors and Microwave Devices

Ulrich Welp

Argonne National Laboratory, USA

Coexisting magnetism and superconductivity in Iron-based superconductors

Valentin Alek Dediu


Molecular Spinterface - from fundamentals to applications

Valeria Braccini

CNR – SPIN, Italy

Iron Based Superconductors-Properties Important for Applications

Valeria Rodionova

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Russia

Novel Functional Magnetic Materials - Basic Approach and Applications

Valerii Vinokur

Argonne National Laboratory, USA

Superconductor-insulator transition: a window into the interior of a meson

Victor Laliena

ICMA, Zaragoza, Spain

Chiral Magnetism: Solitons and Skyrmions

Victorino Franco

University of Sevilla, Spain

Novel Functional Magnetic Materials - Basic Approach and Applications

Vijaya Vallabhapurapu

University of South Africa, South Africa


Vincent Repain

Université de Paris, France

Addressing spin-crossover molecules on metallic surfaces

Vladislav Kataev

IFW Dresden, Germany

Recent Materials Trends in Low Dimensional Magnetism

Vladimir Chernenko

IKERBASQUE. Basque Foundation for Science, Spain

Shape Memory Alloys and Magnetocalorics

Vyacheslav I Klyukhin

CERN, Switzerland

Magnet Science and Technology

Wei Han

Peking University, China

Spin Current in Superconductors

Wei Ku

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Mottness induced phase decoherence suggests Bose-Einstein condensation in overdoped cuprate high-temperature superconductors"

Weijia Yuan

Strathclyde University, UK

Cryogenic power electronics converters for HTS applications

Wilfrid Prellier

French National Centre for Scientific Research, France

Advances In Thin Films, Multi-Layers and Patterned Nanostructures

Wolfgang Belzig

University of Konstanz, Germany

Superconducting Spintronics

Wolfgang Wernsdorfer

KIT, Germany

Operating quantum states in individual magnetic molecules

Xerman Francisco de la Fuente

ICMA (CSIC-University of Zaragoza), Spain

Fabrication of Fe Spinel Nanoparticles using Laser Technologies

Xingjiang Zhou

Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Direct Momentum-Resolved Visualization of Mott Gap Collapse and Low-Energy State Emergence in Doping a Parent Compound of Cuprate Superconductors

Xin Lu

Zhejiang University, China

Nematic superconductivity from topological surface states in PbTaSe2

Yakov Fominov

Russian Academy of Science, Russia

Cooper pair splitting in magnetic SQUIDs

Yasuharu Kamioka

ColdTech Associates, Japan

Cryogenics Materials, Engineering and Applications

Yayu Wang

Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Atomic scale electronic structure of the tri-layer cuprates studied by STM

Yogesh Narayan Joglekar


Topological Quantum Matter

Yusuke Kousaka

Osaka Prefecture University, Japan

Enantiopure crystal growth in chiral magnetic materials

Zhanna Devizorova

Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

Theory of magnetic phases in Eu based ferromagnetic superconductors

Ziad Melhem

Oxford Instruments NanoScience, England

Magnet Science and Technology

Oleksander Dobrovoslkiy

University of Frankfurt, Germany

Magnonics controlled by superconducting vortices

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